Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Mini Presents

      How to make cute mini presents     
Materials Needed:
-glue gun
-colored paper

First: cut you paper like this (Paper must be square).
Step 2: Fold up each paper flap (half way)
Step 3: fold up the inside of the paper flaps too!
Step 4: Hot glue all the pieces together to form the roof or top to the box. 
Step 5: Now you have your box! You can add decorations like ribbons and bows to it.
  Step 6: cut 2 strips of either ribbon or paper. Then hot glue them to the present (or tie a bow).
Step 7: Make bows! See below for all the different types of bows! They aren't too complicated so pick which one is your favorite! 
Step 8: put these adorable presents under a tree or somewhere to decorate!
Comment how this project went and which now you like best!

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