Monday, April 28, 2014

Home made crayons

Here are some home made crayons
      Step 1: set oven temp to 300
      Step 2: peel crayons
      Step 3: put crayons into cupcake 
                  things (comment if confused)
      Step 4: put in oven and check every                      5-10 mins.
      Step 5: once liquid take out of oven                    and swirl with tooth 
                  pick to make design
      Step 6: let it cool for 20 mins

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Pot holder

I bought a loom to make pot holders at Joanns and it's really cool I made it today!
You should check it out!

New blog!!!! :)

We are Girl Scout Cadettes and we have made a blog! We are doing this to explore new types of media. Our blog will posting pictures of crafts we have completed and telling a little bit about them. There may be a little bit about Harry Potter too............  because we are HUGE fans!!!! :) We also might have some posts be about cooking, or dance. We hope you enjoy our blog! :)